Last Wednesday Zoe and I went to the cat cafe in Shiki. Finally! I've been meaning to go for awhile. Although my boy Ceasar must have known that I betrayed him and petted the other kitties because when I saw him on Skype the other night he ignored me. I didn't mean it Ceasar I swear!
For anyone staying in the Shiki dorms, the Nyancy Cat Cafe is literally a one minute walk from the dorms, and it's a great place to go just to escape for a little while, it's very peaceful. When you leave the dorms turn left towards the station and then turn left down the street with the Big A on it. Then turn right at the end of the street and it's just a little further down the street on the right hand side. They have a
website too if you want to check it out.
This is going to get pretty photo heavy. I hope you like cats as much as I do! I'll leave the photos smaller than usual since there's so many, so click them to enlarge them if you want :)
The most awesome doorknobs ever. I must get some of these... |
Kitty wonderland! |
One big giant playground. |
Sitting kitties. |
Kitties in tubes. |
Poser kitty. |
Greedy kitty. |
Not-as-grumpy-as-I-look kitty. |
Strange kitty. |
Fat kitty (who can surprisingly jump just as well as any other cat). |
Short kitty. |
Headless kitty. |
Pretty kitty. |
Awesome-eyed kitty. |
Flat face kitty. |
Sleepy kitty. |
I was overly excited about feeding time. |
My new friends. |
More friends. |
I swear we were just playing... |
If you made it this far, well done. Nyancy have a very diverse range of cats, with Ragdolls, Munchkins, Scottish Folds, Norwegian Forest cats, Selkirk Rexes, American Shorthairs, Russian Blues, but to my dismay no Siamese like Ceasar. Although I don't think Siamese are a popular breed here so that doesn't really surprise me. Probably because they're so noisy :p There's a rabbit cafe in Harajuku that I want to check out before I leave in February too, so hopefully I'll have photos of that for you sometime. It would be nice to play with the bunnies since it's illegal to have them as pets in Queensland.
By the way, I've spoken to QUT and I've withdrawn from a unit without any academic (and I'm pretty sure no financial) penalty. I've also decided to do a fashion minor when I get back next year, so I suppose that's one positive from all of this because I couldn't have done that if I continued with Japanese.
Anthea xx
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