Friday, 16 August 2013

Visa Obtained

Today I went back in to the city to the consulate to pick up my visa. This time everyone was happy and smiling and even the security guard cracked a joke. They must have decided I was ok now that my visa was approved. Either that or every single one of them is bipolar. I had always assumed that a visa was a piece of paper, but it's actually a sticker that goes inside your passport. It takes up a whole page and is configured just like the front page of your passport with all your details and your photo. The lady there explained to me what I'd need to to do at Narita airport when I land, but she went through it all so fast that all I actually remember is that after I go through immigration I need to make sure that I don't leave the airport without getting my resident's card. Isn't it handy that they're issued at the airport now?

I've also received my 'yakkan-shoumei'. I'm not actually sure what that translates to in English because it's always referred to as 'yakkan-shoumei' but it's a certificate that allows me to bring 'large' quantities of my medicine into the country. I use the term 'large' loosely. Basically you're allowed to bring in 1 month's worth of prescription drugs and 2 month's worth of other drugs (such as basic painkillers), but if you want to bring more than that into the country you'll need to apply for one of these 'yakkan-shoumei' to show to customs. The link to the website that Rikkyo sent us was very out of date (in fact it was published about 10 years ago), the most recent link is here. Seriously Rikkyo? Get your shit together. For anyone who needs to apply for a 'yakkan-shoumei', the forms are on the website and you send them to Japan via snail mail and they then email the certificate back to you. You then print this to show to customs. I think it took me about a week and a half to get mine, so make sure you allow some time if you need to apply for one.

Hmmmm what else do I need to tell you? My bursary from QUT has cleared, so that's another $1500 in my pocket. Thanks QUT! I've also purchased some books from Book Depository and I'm having them delivered to the dorms. Somehow I don't think I'm going to be too popular with the dorm managers when I get there. I think we were only supposed to send our 'luggage and belongings' in advance, and in true Book Depository style they have sent the 3 books from my order separately and about a day apart from one another. Knowing my luck the shipping will be super quick for once too and they'll show up early. They asked that our things only be sent within the week before our arrival. Ah well.

So that's it for now! Between now and September 2nd I'll just be getting the business organised so that it can function without me for 6 months (for anyone reading this who doesn't know me, I have my own business creating nail polish). My partner Michael will be looking after the business while I'm gone but there's still a lot of work to be done, I feel like it's never ending at the moment. If you don't hear from me for awhile it's because I've passed out from polish fumes, I have 6 months worth of stock to make ;)

Anthea xx

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